
Makino endeavors to step up and upgrade its corporate governance with a view towards a medium- and long-term increase in corporate value.

We think that corporate governance is a part of our efforts to secure a medium- and long-term rise in corporate value while giving consideration to diverse stakeholders in accordance with our corporate philosophy and our basic management policy.

Given that the machine tool industry is susceptible to massive fluctuations in performance, we aim to construct effective and efficient corporate governance.

・ Composition of the Board of Directors

4 external directors including 1 female director
4 internal directors
8 in total, the same number of internal and external directors.

External directors are monitoring the Board of Directors from a variety of professional and shareholder perspectives.

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Risk Management
Shotaro Miyazaki
Toshiyuki Nagano
Tatsuaki Aiba
Haruyuki Shiraishi
Naofumi Masuda
Kodo Yamazaki
Kazuo Takahashi
Ayako Takai
・ Remuneration for Directors

Beginning in 2022, we have introduced a Restricted Stock Remuneration Plan that attempts to provide medium- to long-term incentives for directors.

The remuneration for directors consists;

・Base payment

・Performance compensation based on evaluation of company performance and individual directors

・Restricted Stock Remuneration Plan